
Friday, October 29, 2010

Fashionable Friday: Scarves

Fall is my favorite time of year. The changing of the leaves, the cooler temps, the change in wardrobe. I love boots and in the last few years another big trend that doesn't seem to be going anywhere? Scarves!

Scarves are actually something that can be worn year around, depending on the fabric and size you decide to add to your ensemble. If you go with something the size of a man's handkerchief, you can wear it around your neck for a pop of color instead of a necklace. Or you can add it to your hair for a fun twist on a regular old headband of hair clip.

But the real trend seems to be long flowy scarves worn in all sorts of different ways. I especially love to wear a scarf when I travel. I take a pashmina shawl and use it as a scarf and can use it as a blanket or pillow on the flight, as well as a nursing cover. And if we arrive somewhere and I am cold? Yep, I can then use it as a shawl.

One of the best things about scarves is that they can be found at every price point. If you are a Target lover, scanning their accessory racks at the end of summer you can score some great summer scarves for the next year. Or if you are looking to put a little animal print into your wardrobe but don't want to do anything too big? Yep, a scarf can do it for you.

These are two ways I have worn scarves. The first picture helped me keep my hair out of my face for a boat ride to Alcatraz on our babymoon before Spencer was born. The second was for some color. So how easy it is?
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Not sure how to wear a scarf? There are plenty of videos on YouTube that can show you how to fold and wear a scarf. My go to way I learned by watching The Oprah Show when some style guru was on the show. It really was so easy and almost a "duh" moment.

So what about you? Are you a scarf lover? If not, what's keeping you from trying the trend? I promise you, if you try it, you will not be disappointed.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

21 weeks 4 days

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Dear Bump,

You are getting bigger and bigger and it seems like just the day before we were just finding out you existed. When I really think about it, it still amazes me what a woman's body can do!

You've been moving around quite a lot this week. And just the other day you decided to sit up at the highest part of my belly. I have to admit...that's not very comfortable. I don't mind it occasionally but let's not get into the habit out setting up shop up there.

We bought you some clothes this week. Everything pink and white and purple. But don't worry, I haven't gone too crazy. I'll save that for when you arrive.

Halfway there!


Monday, October 25, 2010

Muchas Gracias

For those of you that never took Spanish in school or have forgotten, the title of this post means Thank you very much. I have been thinking about doing this post for a week now and just didn't know where to start or I'm just going to wing it and hope it comes out right.

Many times when you tell people about your online friends, they just don't get it. Especially if they only dabble with things like Facebook, Twitter, Web Boards, and Blogging. I know at first it seemed weird but the more I "talked" with these new friends, the more invested I became. For me it began with a simple show and a web board about said show. (Roswell, anyone remember that show?)

It happens quickly and I am always amazed by the amount of compassion and goodwill you can find from people you may never meet. People that can be spread out around the globe, cheering you on, cheering you up, lamenting with you over a bad day. Wishing you luck, sending you good vibes, giving advice.

So imagine my surprise when a relatively new friend offered me the brand new stroller she had just won! And not just any stroller, but a creme de la creme type stroller!

It all began with this post from Fadra. She won the cool stroller but didn't need it and her son was already getting too big. Talk about luck, there she was just doing a good thing by buying a raffle ticket and she actually won. The stroller is beautiful and while try as I might to talk the husband into getting one for the arrival of our little girl...I knew it was so not happening. I put it out of my mind and began researching what to about having a newborn and 2 year old. Double stroller? Sit and stand? Use the old one?

I'm going to admit it, I hate researching baby products. There is so much stuff out there that it can make your head spin. And I am of the school that higher cost in most cases does mean a superior and quality product. I mean think about all the items that have been recalled in recent months...not many high end products. That speaks volumes to me.

Okay, so back to my story. I was in N.C. and looking forward to a day in Raleigh and meeting Fadra. We exchanged a few messages in the morning and then she hits me with one that says she wants to give me the stroller. I sat looking at the message in shock and then began to cry. This was such a nice thing to do. I mean really nice.

What shocked me the most? That she was willing to do this and she hadn't met me. Not that meeting me would have changed her mind. :) I think for me I am such a wary person. I've learned the hard way that many times people don't do things for free or out of the kindness of their heart. But it seems just the opposite is true online. While everyone loves recognition, much of what they do is because they want to. Because they feel connected to you. Because you have put yourself out there and so have they and it creates a bond.

After we met Fadra, (who is awesome, but I'm saving that for another post) Hubbs and I talked about how good people, who do good things, get good karma in return. See if it had been us? We probably would have sold the stroller. Which then made me think about what kind of message does that send out? And what kinda of karma am I accumulating? Fadra has won quite a few things lately and I have to think it's because she is collecting the right kind of karma. And that in turn makes me want to re-think how I go about my day to day and become a better person.

So thank you, my friend. Thank you for the beautiful stroller. Thank you for proving that online friends rock. Thank you for teaching me to think about the person I am and how I can be better.

And for those of you that didn't click the is what baby girl's new stroller looks like:
Awesome, right? Don't underestimate the connections you make online be it via Twitter, Facebook, Web Forums, or Blogging. You never know when someone will do something that makes your day and you didn't even have to ask.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Fashionable Friday: Pause

After being away for a week and trying to get back into the swing of things, I have had no time to get down and dirty with a true Fashionable Friday post. So we are on pause this week and will return next week.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

20 weeks 4 days

I have to admit, I didn't get a belly shot this week. We were traveling and after too many hours in the car, the last thing I was thinking about was getting a picture of this weeks belly. Bad, mommy, bad. Instead I do have a picture of the little person behind the bump, without further ado:

Dear Bump,

You are growing quite nicely. All measurements have you right on track for a March birthday. This week I have really begun to feel you move and at times it just surprises the heck out of me! I wonder what you think of all the noise and motion that is going outside your little safe haven.

Daddy and I are still so in awe over the fact that we are going to have a little girl. It's going to be quite interesting to see how different you are from Spencer. Though I have a feeling you will want to keep up with him and that's okay. Just please don't start walking any earlier than 9 months.

Every princess deserves a kick ass stroller and we got one for you. It was a surprise and a shock. Mommy actually cried when the person that gave it to us told us she wanted you to have it. I will do more about this fabulous person in another post. She deserves it. Genuinely good, nice people usually do.

We still haven't decided on a name for you as nothing we try out seems to stick. You may be born being called baby girl Smithwick.


Saturday, October 16, 2010

Letter To My 18 Year Old Self

Happy Birthday! You are finally 18. And also 36. Amazing how both ages seemed archaic when we were 10. Now? Not so much.

You've started settling in to your first month of college and while I know you are having a great time, slow down. Take time to really enjoy the experience but don't be stupid about it all. The boy you met at Paradise? Forget him, it isn't going anywhere and he isn't a good person. Matter of fact, stay away from anyone with that last name or who tells you they are a musician.

Your friends are taking you to the circus and it will be such a good time. It will probably be one of the few times you truly laugh out loud for hours without a care in the world. Cherish it, life comes at you fast when you become an adult and sometimes you forget to laugh.

Speaking of friends, there is a saying that says "friends are the family we pick for ourselves." This is very true but not everyone you think is your friend, truly is. Be guarded. People tend to take advantage of your kindness and giving nature which may make you bitter later in life.

Your future is not perfect but the family you build is. You have a handsome, wonderful husband who wants nothing more than to make you happy. Let him. You have a beautiful, smart son who you know will do great things. And at 36 you will be pregnant with your daughter. That's right 2 kids when all you say from the age of 18 to 25 is you want none. A good man will do that for you. Kiss those frogs but know that your prince will eventually come.

And finally, be kind to those that are kind to you. It makes all the difference in the world.

Happy Birthday!

Your Older Self
Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

Friday, October 15, 2010

Fashionable Friday: Accessories

Sometimes the smallest item can make all the difference in an outfit and how you feel. Everyone wants to look good and at the same time be fashion forward but you want to do it and still be true to you. Today I'm talking about accessories!

Trends come and go and if you have unlimited funds, it can be fun to keep up with trendy accessories. If you're more like the rest of us, you have to pick and choose the trends that work for you. Just because stiletto's are hot, doesn't mean you should force yourself to wear them. Crazy prints might be the rage but might not work for your body type. It is okay to pick and choose what you like and what you can afford and run with it.

As much as I like trends and the way celebrities are put together by their stylist, I still stick true to what looks good on me and what works for me. I have lots of cute earrings but always fall back to the same 3 pairs. And yet when earrings like those in the picture show up on TV via awards shows or television shows, I love them. If you can rock the bold earring, I say go for it! This same thing can be said for bracelets and necklaces. You can be as funky or conservative as you want. Jewelry is a great way to be a little pick me up that didn't cost a lot but makes you feel like you put a bit of effort into your outfit.

Another accessory that people tend to forget about is the belt. About two years ago the thin belt was in and saw where some stylist said a belt was a good way to give your body some shape. I was feeling a bit conscientious about my body and thought maybe a belt was what I needed to reinforce that I was not as big as I saw myself. Truth be told? I hated the belts I bought. They rode up if I put my arms up and I was constantly pulling my shirt down so the belt hit the right spot. Within the last year or so the corset belt has been big but even though I was at my lowest weight in about 10 years, I didn't attempt it. I do say this though...if you can't wear belts on the outside please be sure you are wearing them. It is not attractive to see a woman hiking her pants because they are too big. Belt loops are there for a reason!

I wear my sunglasses at night. Okay, not really. But sunglasses and even eyeglasses can be an integral part of your wardrobe. Besides the fact that sunglasses protect your eyes and skin eye area from the harsh rays of sun, they can sharpen up a look. Or hide you from a bad face day. (We've all had them, don't deny it!) But the thing about glasses is that not all glasses look good on all faces. Take the time to try on different style frames, colors and sizes, you can find something in every price point when it comes to glasses. Or you can hit Chinatown in NYC and find a knockoff pair. I mean, everyone looks good in a BIG pair of Chanel glasses. As for me? I'll stick to my Gucci's. They haven't let me down yet!

One of my most favorite accessories is a hat. I don't really recall wearing a lot of hats as a child but I remember trying them on when we went to stores. Once I got to college I lived in ball caps. I wore them to class, I wore them to go out drinking. I had a ton of caps, baseball teams, hockey teams, my college. They were conversation starters and it helped if I actually knew something about the team I was freely promoting.

As I transitioned out of college and into the real world, ball caps just didn't cut it and so began my obsession with hats that could go with actual outfits. A good hat can really make quite a cute fashion statement as well as hide a bad hair day. Just like everything else, not all hats are made for all heads. It's wise to try on and make sure you hair is styled the way you normally wear it. I hardly ever wear a hat when my hair is in its curly state, so I make sure when I try one on my hair is straightened. It makes a big difference on how the hat fits and how it looks. Perusing the internet I found this great article: (via Life&Style, circa 10/07)
Don't be afraid to hat it up and add some pizazz to your look. It really can be pull together an outfit and be fun at the same time.

Lastly, the accessory that is really a necessity for any woman...the purse. Or handbag. Or pocketbook. Whatever you call it, we all use them for one thing or another. Before I got really into designer bags, I loved matching my bag with my outfit. Not quite like this, Even this is too anal for me but I liked having my purse match a color in my shirt or hat or shoe. But then the designer bag bug hit and matching wasn't so important. What is important? That your purse does what YOU need it to do. And watch for proportion. I'm 5'2 and when the HUGE bags were all the rage, I just couldn't do it. The swallowed me and I looked like I was going on a trip instead of to the store. And whatever you do, once your purse begins to show signs of wear and tear? It's time for a new one! Toting around a ragged bag isn't fashion forward, it makes you look sloppy.

So there you have it, the accessories I use either as a pick me up or to complete an outfit. I know I missed a few (scarves, rings, headbands) if you have any suggestions about them, please leave them in the comments. Also I'd love to hear about how you wear your fave accessories!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

19 weeks 4 days

Dear Bump,

We have officially found out what you are! The funny thing is that both Daddy and I seemed to know without them telling us. I can't say for me that it was because you have been totally different than your brother, it was more than was a true feeling that you were indeed a girl.

We are teaching Spencer to say sister and he has quickly caught on to saying doctor and baby. He also was pretty amused to see your tiny foot on the ultrasound screen and reminds us that he did see it. It's all so very sweet. I can't wait to see the two of you interacting together. He is going to be such a great big brother!

Daddy's girl and Mommy's partner in crime...we can't wait to meet you!


Monday, October 11, 2010

The Lady Doth Protest Too Much

I rarely talk about my pet peeves on the blog. Not that I don't have any but who wants to read about all the things that bother me? I don't but this particular peeve has been on my mind for a while and I figured once I blogged about it, I could let it go.

People in general like to complain and some do it more than others and even better than others. I worked with a woman, who was divorced and absolutely bitter. When I met her she was in year like 14 of being divorced. And yet complained about everything. I nicknamed her Grouchy because you rarely could make her smile. She used vulgar language (in the office) and yet because the company I worked for was too scared to fire her, she stayed in her position. Granted, she was good at what she did, she just wasn't great at interacting with others.

I don't get people like this, instead of spending so much energy being angry and bitter, why not channel it into something good? Her co-workers where happy when they pulled into the parking lot and her car was NOT there. She didn't have many friends and truth be told you didn't want to get close to her, as she sucked your positive energy into her negative one.

Then there are the ones that complain about working and money. They work and work and work and never seem to be able to get ahead. And then you realize that they work so they can keep up with hobbies or vacations or keep their kids latest gadget obsession on track.

All these things are more important then their sanity. So day in and day out they complain about having to work or how much they work or how many jobs they have. It's never-ending. And if you try to tell them that maybe if they downsized or took one less vacation or had a cheaper are the crazy one. Never mind that they are driving YOU crazy with the complaining. You just want to tell them to get over it, if they want things, they will be working until they have a foot in the grave.

These are the same folks that don't take care of their health, complain about the healthcare system and yet they have a brand new >insert expensive, latest IT thing here>. They can't be bothered to save their lives but they sure know where to find the latest and greatest.

I am not saying that people should just keep things to themselves complaining is part of our nature. We do it to vent, we do it to feel like part of the crowd. And we ALL do it. I just wonder if certain people put as much effort into being positive as they did to complain what they could accomplish?

How about you? Know any perpetual complainers? Ever told someone to stop complaining?

Friday, October 8, 2010

Fashionable Friday: Rewind

It's the Rewind edition of Fashionable Friday. I've gotten some really awesome comments that last few weeks and wanted to bring some of them front and center and reply. So sit back, relax and let the rewind begin.

When I deemed Fridays, Fashionable Friday on my blog Jill from Glamamom said that sometimes all it takes to feeling confident in the way you look is a little lipstick and a pair of earrings.

And she's right. Even when you don't have time to perfect your hair or put on that just right outfit, sometimes just curling the eyelashes (#1 must have accessory) and adding lipstick and those perfect earrings can help. I know for a fact that freshening up my daily mommy face to go out makes me look 100 times better. Try too will be surprised.

And speaking of hair when I did talked about my hair issues and Elizabeth from The Writer Revived mentioned how she needed to cut her hair shorter to stay away from the dreaded ponytail.

When my hair is's pulled in a ponytail after a long day. If I straighten my hair? Yep, still a ponytail. So what about you? Do you have the prefect compromise? Do you think keeping hair a certain length prevents you from either styling it or not styling it? I love how long my hair is now and when I think about cutting it I just can't do it. So for's ponytail or bust.

And of course no talk about fashion is complete without talking about shoes. As much as we as women love shoes, we still have issues once we become mom, it's hard to get out of what's comfortable and quick.

Then came the two post about doing you,part 1 and part 2. And the first comment that popped out at me was from Carolyn over at This Talk Ain't Cheap. She divulged her age and said she was dressing better now than she ever did before. She has 3 beautiful daughters and feels the image she portrays to them is important. She doesn't feel the need to "mom jean" it but still wants to look fresh, hip and young.

And she's right. Just because we become moms and our bodies change doesn't mean we can't continue to look good. Maybe we aren't wearing the same sizes but we need to know it's okay to accept our new sizes. For me? I've realized that 100 pounds was good for my 20's but it just won't work now and that's I accept that. I can still look hip and fresh and young. And yes, some days I look better now than I ever did in my 20's!

Part two I gave away my secret weapon for looking instantly thinner...a goodgreat bra. All my nursing mommies out there quickly chimed in on how it is just easier to grab a bra from the local store and go with it. And there is nothing wrong with that but my advice is to make sure you are truly wearing the right size. It will make a difference...even if it's snappy nursing bra.

Last week I talked about the holy grail of fashion, jeans! And boy was I schooled...that's right almost everyone that chimed in let me know that YES, designer jeans are worth the splurge. Who knew? I have yet to put my rear end a pair but plan on trying some as soon as I have baby #2 and lose the baby weight.

So there you have it, a rewind of all the fashion talk that's been going on...and what you've been missing! So stick around and chime in and be fashionable. After all, it's only one day a week.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

18 weeks 4 days

So last week I made an error. And no one caught it. It took me a while to catch it and then I was sort of sad that no one else questioned it. Last week I posted my weekly bump update and it was the wrong week. In my defense when I had my appointment the midwife came in and looked at my chart and said you are 18 weeks and 2 days today and somehow that stuck in my mind. I will have to double check at the end of this month, I really think it was just because the midwife is rather flaky. So that's my excuse...what was yours dear readers??

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Dear Bump,

So last week I made you older than you are, but it was an honest mistake. Maybe subconsciously I am truly ready to be at the halfway point? With your brother the pregnancy seemed to crawl by but this time around it seems to be flying.

I think I have been feeling you flutter around but it is so quick and never in the same place twice I can't be sure. This week you are about the size of a baked potato which is still quite small. Too bad I can't say the same for my now protruding bump. If it wasn't obvious a few weeks ago, it is now very obvious that I am with child.

For a while there we were on a name kick and constantly trying names. That's slowed down quite a bit. I still try names I hear on TV or see in credits but still nothing jumps out at me. Maybe we are suppose to wait until you arrive and we see your tiny face and personality to name you?

I think this is the week you begin to hear sounds outside of the womb...let me apologize in advance. It is loud out here. Your brother is quite rambunctious and can cause me to lose my cool and raise my voice. We don't mean to and I'm working to try and get that under control.

Almost time to see what you are...will we or won't we is the question.


Friday, October 1, 2010

Fashionable Friday: Dem Jeans

Jeans. They are a staple in any wardrobe. I spent most of my first pregnancy in a pair of maternity jeans. Before getting pregnant, a good pair of jeans and boots were my Autumn and Winter wardrobe.

I remember growing up and thinking Jordache, Gloria Vanderbilt, Sassoon and Calvin Klein jeans were the epitome of sexy. Remember the commercials? Everyone seemed so glamorous and grownup.

When I got to college I bought two kick ass pair of Levi's...though I couldn't tell you what style they were, I just know they made my legs seem long and sleek. I also use to rock a lot of Calvin Klein. It was good to be thin and rock heels and platforms.

But as time passes and especially after you have a child, looking good in jeans isn't so simple. While jeans are a great go-to outfit, finding the right fit can be quite a painful. I have yet to meet a mom, new or seasoned that finds in joy in looking for a pair of jeans that fit and make you look and feel sexy. Yes, I said sexy. Instead it is assumed that motherhood means we are automatically gravitating toward the dreaded mom jean. Or we try to stuff our bodies into jeans that don't fit and end up with a muffin top.

I know that lowrise jeans seem to be everywhere but you have to search and you have to try on. That's right you have to take the time to find a pair that fits you and your now body. Not the one you had bc...before children. Have junk in your trunk? Stay away from embellishments on the booty. Feel like you problem area is your thighs? Go for dark denim with a bit of flare. Flat or no booty? Embellishment away. The pooch that never seems to flatten no matter how mant crucnhes you do? Look for jeans with a band, almost like trousers. The band is great for hiding the pooch! And when you find the perfect pair? Buy to wear with heels/boots and one to have altered and wear with flats.

Does it seem like overkill? You can find great jeans for under 100$ and love the way you look. I highly recommend The Gap. They've recently revamped their denim and are finally back to what I remember in the 90's. Before getting pregnant for a second time, I had finally found the prefect jean. It wasn't low rise but it wasn't high-waisted. It has a nice band that hides the pooch but also makes my booty look sexy.

I have yet to spend more than about 70$ on a pair of jeans but know people swear by designer brands. 7 for all mankind, True Religion, Citizens of Humanity. There was a time I thought I would buy a pair but priorities change. How about you? Do you swear by designer jeans? How do they compare?

So, readers, tell me...your good, your bad, you war stories when it comes to jeans. Any advice for others when it comes to jeans? Spill it!

Post title credit goes to Chingy, whose song Dem Jeans came out in 2006.