
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

We are Family

Yesterday, October 3, we finally baptized Spencer into the Catholic religion. It was a really nice ceremony and Spencer is truly blessed to have family that adores him and drove from NC and FL to watch the event.

He was asleep before the ceremony started but awake as we got started and did really well throughout. And, though I am biased, he was the cutest baby at the ceremony.

Here he is with us and his godparents, Joey and Tatiana.
To our little angel.

First Time for Everything

On Friday September 25 Spencer had two firsts. It was the first time he had a picnic and it was the first time he went to the playground. Surprisingly as we got in the car and started our trip he was in a good mood. I say surprisingly because anyone that has ridden with us knows he is not a fan of his car seat!

At the park Daddy layed out a blanket and we took in our surroundings. There were people walking, walking dogs and jogging. There were other families there with their own kids. It was a nice day to be at the park!

As we sat on a blanket and ate lunch Spencer kept trying to eat grass, dirt and leaves. Yep, I'd say he's all boy! He succeeded in only get a little dirt in his mouth...and a few leaves...

The playground area was spacious with lots of things for a kids to do. There were rock walls and slides and bridges to bound across. But we played it safe and gave Spencer his first taste on the slides.

Even Mommy got into the act on the slide!

I have to say...I am thankful that my butt fit on the slide with him! So thank you playground for having a nice wide slide and making me feel trim.

We plan to go back again, hopefully when the weather actually feels like fall!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Peanut Butter Library Time

Today Spencer had another first! We went to story time for kids under 18 months. What it is is mommy and me time for free at our local library! It only took me almost 8 months to find it!

When we got there it wasn't too packed and I thought I was running late. They library must realize parents with children under 18 months always run just a bit behind! It quickly got packed as the librarian began singing the hello song. Seems like most everyone knew the song and all the other kids names as we sang around the room. Spencer was quiet as kids who could walk ambled around grabbing toys. He did eventually crawl away from me and even through a few fits when I would not let him grab a toy or book from another child!

I did try to be friendly in hopes I would meet another mom with someone Spencer's age. Sadly it seemed everyone there was watching someone elses baby. I did talk to one lady with a 7 mth old girl but didn't ask for her phone number. Maybe next week. I also learned that the two girl names I loved are uber popular, Addison and Ava. Gladly not another Spencer in the group!

We will be going back on Mondays and I found another storytime at Barnes and Nobles on Tuesday that I may also attend.

I just hope neither one of us gets sick! You never know who will bring a sick child out!
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As soon as Spencer began crawling he discovered that the living room was a lot bigger than we had initially let on. He discovered that the dog has bowls with food and water and if he hits them just right they will tip over. He has also realized that Prince gets to come in and out as he pleases because of a doggy door!

The first time he crawled to the door he sort of just looked at it. The next few times he touched it and now...well now he pushes it in and out. He hasn't crawled thru it but I imagine it is only a matter of time until that happens.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Iron Chef

Spencer's godmother Tati is currently attending culinary school. She will be here next weekend to partake in the baptism festivities and in order to make her feel at home Spencer thought maybe he would go head to head with her in the kitchen:

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Update, Update!

I can't believe it has been almost a month since I last updated! The weeks just begin to blur one into another and what seems like just a few days ago was actually weeks ago. Oops..

So let's see what we have been up to since Spencer had fun times at the pool with his Daddy. We have an active 7 almost 8 month old who refused to be still unless he is asleep. We also have a little boy who can throw a tantrum with the best of them when he is not getting his way. We are still in the process of getting him hooked on his baby foods and for the most part he cooperates but what he would rather have is OUR food. I've had to trick him a time or two and use our silverware in order to get him to think he was enjoying what we were. I can be so crafty.

We still have not mastered getting him to sleep in his own bed. This is all my fault as I just can't stand to here him cry. But lately my back has been aching so him crying it out is going to be the lesser of two evils eventually. But I do enjoy when he snuggles in close to me to sleep and wakes up with his toothless grin staring at me.

We think Spencer will be walking in the next few months, as he pulls up on EVERYTHING and is not afraid to let go. He may plop down on his butt after letting go, but he gets right back up and tries again. He has figured out though that if he sees something he wants (dirty shoe, dogs tail) it is much faster to crawl than attempt to walk. We have one smart little cookie.

And now for some pictures. We spent some time at the beach this past month where Spencer got to show off his Superman suit and dig his tiny toes in the sand:

We also had some sadness, as Spencer lost his great granny Margaret this month. I know she is in a better place and am so happy she was able to see our pride and joy. She will be sorely missed by all who knew her.

A trip to NC also means that Spencer gets to see his Daddy's huge family and spend time with his granny and pop-pop and aunties and uncle. He was lucky enough to get his very own 4-wheeler this visit. Who said he was going to be spoiled??

But in true baby form, he was more excited by things like a box and a basket of potatoes than the actual toys he received. Should make for an easy Christmas for him!

We could not leave without getting a picture of my favorite person on one of my most favorite things. Pop-pop grew this in his garden without even trying.

I love pumpkins and fall! Happy Autumn to all from our family to yours.