
Thursday, July 17, 2014

Viva Las Vegas!

Last week I had the pleasure of hopping on three planes and flying west to Las Vegas. It was the first time in 5 years that I had several days and nights to be responsible for only myself. On the plane rides I was able to read a WHOLE book, a WHOLE magazine and take a nap. Ah-maz-ing, right?

Initially I was nervous. Nervous how the kids would do because the truth is, I probably coddle them quite a lot. And Daddy? He doesn't. I worried they wouldn't be able to sleep or would whine incessantly. Guess what? They had no problems sleeping and they kept the whining to a minimum. Daddy is fun! Daddy does things that Mommy doesn't! Daddy will always be way cooler than Mommy! That isn't to say they didn't miss me, because they did. As a matter of fact, when I got up the day after I returned to hit the gym my dearest little boy says "You just got back, why do you have to leave again?" I didn't think he would notice or care...but he does. And it warms my heart to know that the day to day I do with them, gets noticed. I know the Husband gets it but with the kids it is harder to tell.

I know many of you might be thinking I went to Vegas and a bunch of debauchery ensued but you would be sadly mistaken. Not one cent made it into a slot machine or onto a casino table. I like my money to either get me something (shopping) or to stay in my wallet for a rainy day. Instead I had the pleasure of meeting with a nearest and dearest friend and reliving our youth by attending a NKOTB concert. New Kids on the Block for those of you not in the know. Yes...they are still making music and doing concerts. The last time I had seen them was 7 months pregnant in 2008. This show was even better! It is quite fun to be in a arena and see grown women either dressed like they are 12 again or dressed like they are going to dance on a pole after the show...

Here I am with my favorite member...and this is about as close as I got to him all weekend.

Michelle and I.
Blue light=weird picture, but that's my friend and I waiting for the show to start!

Whatchu know about Mr. Donnie Wahlberg?

The concerts were great and in between I had time to just be me without also being mommy. I slept, I shopped, I ate a hot meal. I played on the iPad. I had lots of adult conversation. It was fantastic and yet tiring all at the same time. I came back exhausted and so not ready to jump back into mom life. Thank goodness my family allowed me to pass out and get 12+ hours of sleep.

Would I do it again? Yes! Even without an actually event, I am ready to take time off and go away. I know the kids will always be in good hands with their Daddy. My issue was never that...the issue was me and the anxiety that lives in me. But now that I've seen I can do it, you can bet that I will. Anyone want to join me?

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