I like to think that I am computer savvy and depending on who you ask..they will tell you it is so. I can Google like nobody's business. I can fogure things out by trial and error and most of the time I am not afraid. But the reality is that I'm pretty much a newbie when it comes to computers, the internet and websites. I don't speak their language. For me, it's all about tutorials and cutting and pasting. If the tutorial gets too complicated? I click the little x pretty quickly and call it a day.
But today? Today I had a bit of time to actually update my banner using a photo editor. The editing was fine...it was actually getting it onto the blog that presented problems. Finally after about 5 tries, I had it the way I needed it.
And then i decided to get really brave...and attempt to make a badge/button for the blog. I googled for tutorials and found an awesome one. Of course it was super easy...but still took me several tries before it was right. And before it appeared on the site the way I needed it to.
This leads me to the final frontier...Wordpress. I keep hearing how if I am a serious blogger, I should be on Wordpress. That scares me...I have an account there and have spent some time before the baby was born to acquaint myself with WP. I didn't find it friendly or intuitive. Maybe I need a Wprdpress for Dummies? Or maybe I am just not that serious about my blogging...either way? I am definitely tech challended and I don't deny it.
This was my 5 minutes brain dump. Want to join in? Click the badge at the top and link up.
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