
Monday, August 11, 2008

Baby, baby

Today was our appointment for the one genetic test we decided to have, one that is actually pretty simple. The test consisted of an ultrasound and me giving blood. I was excited about the ultrasound because the last u/s was really more about hearing the heartbeat.

Can I just say what a a difference 4 weeks makes!? The nurse was super cool and because she needed to get measurements we had plenty of time to see baby...that actually looks like a baby! Baby was waving his hand, kicking his feet and flipping this way and that. I had to shed a tear because it made everything seem real, finally. And then I thought about how this little person was in MY belly! Me! I (with help from Hubby) managed to do something bigger than me and create life. It's just

The nurse was nice enough to give us a sheet of ultrasound pics, among which we found the picture we will use to give to our families. And also among these pictures is one that the nurse took from bottom up...which shows Baby's thighs and something that could be a little penis. I must admit I was stoked, I want a boy so bad! I could only look at Hubby and smile. I know it is still to early to tell and the nurse told us as much, but we figure she looks at ultrasounds all day, she would have the best informed and educated guess. But don't worry, I still have more girl names then boy names picked out...because I know God has a sense of humor. And I have 4 sisters!

We also learned that Baby is growing like a weed! Because of his size the nurse said I could be as far along as 14 weeks! This could be totally possible, but I'm blaming the growth on the fact that Hubby is 6'3"! I hope that as Baby does get bigger and take up more room in my belly we will get a more accurate picture of our due date, cause right now I can be anywhere from 12 to 14 weeks!

This is the week we decided we will tell our close friends, and so I welcome those that have decided to stop over and take a look at our journey. We are getting closer to the time where we tell the news to our families...should be a good time.


  1. Oh GOODY!!! You HAVE to tell us how the telling goes!!!!

  2. I enjoy reading your blog so much! That's why I've given you an award--please drop by the podium to pick up your honor. Congrats!

  3. How exciting! Enjoy this time... it's really special! Can't wait to find out how you tell your friends and your folks!

  4. The u/s pics where you can see the little arms and feet are the best! It really makes it all feel so real at that point. Can't wait to hear how it goes when you guys break the news to the family.

  5. OOOO FUN fUn! Yes we loved our u/s pictures! OOO exciting!

  6. Congrats on the good apt- those ultrasounds are so amazing!
    A boy would be so fun- my sister is 18 weeks her doc wants to wait until 21 to do the sex ultrasound- she is DYING to find out! :)


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