First I have to say, you all have been great about the names. I really expected someone to tell me about how we shouldn’t use name XYZ because it reminds them of this awful person they knew way back when. Isn’t that what usually happens when you tell names you like? And isn’t that the biggest fight you have with the significant other? How you can’t use that girl name because he picked on a girl with that name all through high school or you can’t use that boy name because you dated a guy with that name and he ended up being an as$? Anyway, even with a clear winner in our poll…we still haven’t decided 100% on a name.
Last night we attended a meet & greet of the midwives that are part of the practice I go to and could possibly be there the day/night we (you like the WE, right) go into labor. My favorite midwife Brandy was there, bubbly and perky as ever. They introduced two midwives that work at the hospital where I am planning to give birth and both women were easy-going and so knowledgeable. It quickly put Hubby and me at ease, especially as this is the first time going into this. I previously had no doubt that going with a midwife was a better option for us, but listening to them speak last night cemented it. Someone was wise enough to ask about the schooling it takes to be a midwife and many of those on staff have been doing it for years! And the ones that hadn’t were excited about their job as a midwife and that means someone that enjoys it will do their best. They also talked about how they were open to new suggestions and anything you wanted to try during labor, be it labor in the shower or squatting beside the bed. They stressed that this was OUR labor and delivery and there were only there to support our wishes and make sure it went the way we expected it, barring any medical emergencies of course.
I got my results from my glucose test and am happy to say I do not have gestational diabetes, as my results from the one hour test were normal! I didn’t think I would have it, as I had taken the test several years back and was eating horribly when they did it and passed. But it’s still a relief to know I am ok as far as that is concerned. I guess my sweet tooth didn’t get the best of me this time…but always seems to at the dentist!
Hubby and I were at Babies R Us the other week and always end up looking at the clothing, which for boy or girl is adorable. I think I like the tininess of all the clothing and Hubby just likes the clothing that looks like it was made for a tiny adult. Puffy vest and cargo pants and Nike running pants and sneakers, I know he can’t wait to see our little boy and begin wearing matching outfits. We’ve been really good about not buying a thing, no matter how much the item tugs at our hearts. I have to remind myself that winter stuff won’t do baby boy any good. And since there is the chance he can be extra long, we don’t want to be stuck with clothing he won’t be able to wear! But it is hard to put back the cute little polos and jeans and walk out with nothing.
Here we are into December and I am almost to 30 weeks! Most days I just can’t believe it and am thankful that I’ve had such a smooth and easy pregnancy. I only hope my labor and delivery follows suit. I think about how this time next year the holidays will be even more special as we have a little one to share the joys and wonderment of the holidays with…it will be something.
I always like the clothes that look like they are made for tiny adults too!
ReplyDeleteDo you have the names narrowed down more now? I can't wait to see what you pick!
ReplyDeleteYou're right about the holiday thing... prior to having kids, Christmas was 'just another day' for me. Now it means sooo much more than ever before!
ReplyDeleteWith our last baby (the girl) my husband and I couldn't agree on a name because everything I liked reminded him of an ex-girlfriend -- NICE!
ReplyDeleteWe had a mid-wife with our first two and it was such a great experience. The nurses/doctors were also great but I just felt a special-ness about the mid-wife. The mid-wife who delivered my first baby was not the same mid-wife I had gotten to know over the months but she was still awesome!