Well I went from feeling good to feeling blah all over again. It's so back and forth and it's driving me a bit crazy.
It seems like no matter what I eat, everything taste wrong. Last night's dinner had a lot of garlic in it. I know garlic usually leaves an after taste but last night I actually had an allergic reaction to it. And then the taste would not go away, brushing, eating gum, nothing got rid of the taste. Which then made me feel sick! I couldn't even take my prenatal (which at the brilliant suggestion of PattyI began taking at night), so then I go to sleep feeling bad because I missed my pill. But I knew if I took it I would be sick...so I think taking it was the less of two evils. But my mouth...it just feels so gross. No matter what I eat. And I keep eating, thinking maybe something will change ...but still yuck.
Got a stack of baby books to read...right now I am doing Jenny McCarthy's Belly Laughs. It's such a quick, funny, honest read. She makes pregnant women feel normal!
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