Back in May we had purchased several pregnancy test from the Dollar Store. The first test we took was negative after tracking and doing and waiting. The second test we put away...but finally used it this evening. But before I give you the outcome let me go back a few weeks.
After getting my cycle last month I was sort of blase about the whole aspect of this baby-making scheme. I sort of expected it to happen the first time, because that is what you always hear, right? One and done and the husband gets to chomp on a cigar and feel manly. So imagine our suprise when one and we weren't done. And my body began acting all funky and the internet scares you to death. And your doctor doesn't seemed concerned. I figured maybe it wasn't meant to be, hell I spent most of my life not wanting kids, so no biggie, right? Might as well just go along and not worry. So that's what I did. I stopped paying attention the calendar and trying to track ovulation and figuring out my body. We did the deed when we (I) wanted to and if it was supposed to happen I figured it would. This didn't mean that after 6 months I would not force my OB/GYN's hand and ask for test, but I was going to stop worrying about it and breath.
On Saturday June 7 I woke up with painful cramps and my first thought was of course my cycle for June was on it's way. June was not going to be our month either and I waited for the rest of my usual symptons. But they never came...only more cramps. Cramps that woke me from my sleep and kept me up. Cramps for several days...and still no menses. I didn't run to the internet...ok, I did look but I didn't worry. I had someone tell me that maybe I was pregnant, maybe I had cysts, maybe fibroids. All these maybe's and nothing concrete. But there is one way to get concrete...taking the Dollar Store test.
Imagine my surprise when the pee hits the stick and voila, bright pink with two lines...meaning pregnant! That's right folks, we are pregnant. Looking at the test I was in shock. Hubby was tearing up...I still can't believe it...but there are pictures to prove it, I will post those later!
Congratulations! Now comes the fun part... all your bitching about pregnancy woes, which I will be thoroughly entertained by!!